Mike Zhang

I'm a research engineer at the Robotic Systems Lab in ETH Zurich, where I work on mobile manipulation with ALMA, our legged robot with an arm.

I did my Master's in Robotics, Systems and Control (with distinction) at ETH Zurich, where I worked on a variety of projects in the topics of geometric computer vision, automated robot design, learning robot control, and high-level task planning with Large Language Models.

I also had the chance to work on flying robots at Flyability and Verity.

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Tag Map: A Text-Based Map for Spatial Reasoning and Navigation
with Large Language Models

Mike Zhang, Kaixian Qu, Vaishakh Patil, Cesar Cadena, Marco Hutter
Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2024
project page | paper | arxiv

We propose to represent a scene as a database of viewpoints indexed by text tags of the recognized things at each viewpoint. The representation is extremely memory efficient and easily integrates with an LLM for planning and spatial reasoning grounded on the scene context.

Learning to Open and Traverse Doors with a Legged Manipulator
Mike Zhang, Yuntao Ma, Takahiro Miki, Marco Hutter
Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2024
video | paper | arxiv

We train a legged robot with an arm to robustly traverse through a variety of doors without prior knowledge of the door's opening direction, instead estimating these properties during the task interaction.


Semantic Front-End Filter Going to the Jungle
Perception and Learning for Robotics, ETH Zurich, 2022

Self-supervised learning of a filter for reconstructing the walkable terrain in dense vegetation from semantic point cloud measurements.

On the Origins of Robot Morphologies
Foundations of Reinforcement Learing, ETH Zurich, 2021
report | poster

A policy is trained using Reinforcement Learning on evolutionary rollouts, learning how to best change a robot's morphology for optimizing its performance in a given task.

Evaluating Visual Odometry & SLAM Initialization Methods
for Arbitrary Multi-Camera Rigs

3D Vision, ETH Zurich, 2021

A study on the various factors contributing to the initialization quality for visual odometry and SLAM pipelines in multi-camera systems.


Robot Dynamics
Head Teaching Assistant
ETH Zurich, Fall 2024

Advanced Model Predictive Control
ETH Zurich, Spring 2023

Programming for Robotics - ROS
ETH Zurich, Spring 2023

Robot Dynamics
ETH Zurich, Fall 2021
